A Charlie and China Cojuangco initiative
Charlie and China
Charlie launched the Carlos O. Cojuangco Foundation, Inc. (COCFI) in 1993. COCFI allowed him to serve beyond his public office and lend support to multiple sectors of society such as dynamic livelihood programs, causes in culture and the arts, agricultural endeavors, scholarships, sports and so many others known to many.
China co-founded Maria Maria with a friend in the early 2000s. The organization spearheaded successful decade-long feeding programs to impoverished communities. She was also a volunteer docent at one of the country’s established museums, a constant donor to calamity drives and a helping hand to her parish.
So when Charlie and China got together, it was no surprise how they generously extended their blessings to the disadvantaged. Making a difference in people’s lives was their common passion and philanthropy was a shared practice.
During their betrothal party, they arranged for a private sector arm to distribute food to orphans and several indigenous communities. Charlie and China made sure that as they celebrated all their special occasions, charity works were simultaneously being implemented.
Milestones as a couple were commemorated with donations to those in need. Among those they have funded are women empowerment initiatives, small businesses and church initiated ventures. Charlie also assigned China as his vice chairman for COCFI, enabling them to solidify their resources.
While Charlie was confined in the hospital, the couple continued to help others by giving donations to patients struggling to pay their medical bills. COVID vaccination drives were also continuously implemented in the province.
In most instances, these contributions were imparted anonymously through channels. Recipients were hardly ever made aware of the identity of their sponsors.
And these efforts will go on. Charlie and China’s dedication to philanthropy will continue and grow through Little Blue Chair.
The establishment of Little Blue Chair was primarily motivated by the recent discovery of this short video in Charlie’s phone. In the clip, Charlie is requesting a beneficiary to spread the word about his experience being helped by Charlie.
Known for having a big heart, Charlie clearly wanted to send a message of optimism and leave a legacy of hope. It mattered a lot to him that he is reaching people and improving lives. These conversations are a testament that Charlie has been successful in his mission.
Through Little Blue Chair, Charlie and China will sustain their support to different sectors. They will continue to do Charity through medical assistance, scholarships, and calamity aid; be Capitalists by acting as angel investors to small entrepreneurs; connect with Communities such as the church, indigenous groups, and prisons; and support Culture & Arts by sponsoring local artists, exhibits, mentorships, and training.
To ensure that these are carried out seamlessly, consultants are on board to supervise measures.
Charlie and China have relied on institutions to lead them where they are most needed. They have maintained their position in the background, unseen and silently giving without fanfare, this custom will continue.
Little Blue Chair will be collaborating with these organizations for more opportunities to give back and share anonymously.

Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1225